April 23, 2021


Hello Participants, Volunteers, and Friends,

We wanted to let you know the Silver Moon Race in Paso Robles on May 29-30, 2021 is confirmed and on schedule. We are working diligently to bring together our awesome race experience for a very special weekend. It's going to be a great turnout and a lot of fun.

In response to the global pandemic, New Global Adventures has developed a company-wide COVID-19 safety policy for our races. Safety is paramount, and we will only host our races if we believe they can take place with a reasonable level of safety for everyone involved.

Please take a few moments to review and prepare for your race. Together with your cooperation and support will help us bring races back and make an awesome safe race experience for everyone.

We can’t wait to see you in Paso Robles. Until then… stay safe, stay strong, and keep running.

Terry, Jenny, Ryan, and the New Global Adventures Team

March 17, 2021

2021 Reedley Race Update


Hello Participants, Volunteers, and Friends,

Today we have received confirmation that we are unable to host the Silver Moon Race in Reedley on April 24-25. While we’ve been planning and preparing, the current pandemic circumstances have not yet reached a point for us to safely proceed with the event.

This is painful news as we can see the light at the end of the tunnel, cases are going down and vaccines are rolling out, things are getting better each week, just not quite good enough for April’s race. 🙁


As a possible contingency, we started to discuss what is the best option for this race? Especially considering that we did get a confirmation for hosting the Silver Moon Race in Paso Robles on May 29-30 at CASS Winery. We don’t want to postpone the race again to later in the year or next year, so after careful consideration, we have decided to roll the Reedley race into the Paso Robles race.


If you are registered for the Reedley race, your entry is now an entry in the Paso Robles race on May 29-30 at CASS Winery. No further action is required on your part. You will receive the Reedley medal and 100-mile buckle (for those that do 100-miles) and the Paso Robles medal and buckle, a nice bling bonus.


We understand that not everyone can make the May 29-30 dates due to prior commitments. So, for those participants, you have a few options available:

  • Change your entry to a virtual runner. Simply run your chosen category wherever you are and receive your medal and swag in the mail.
  • Defer to 2022 in Reedley which will be on April 16-17, 2022.
  • Cancel and receive 50% credit towards any future event of ours in California within the next 2-years.
  • Donate entry to help support us and continue our races.

If you are not able to make the May 29 date and would like to choose one of the options above for your entry, please contact us.

2022 RACES

Next year we will resume the Silver Moon Race in Reedley per the normal full moon schedule which will be on April 16-17, 2022, and the Paso Robles race on May 14-15, 2022.


We want to give a big heartfelt thank you for your support and understanding throughout this past year. Your kind words and support have warmed our hearts and have helped us push past these challenging times. We look forward to hosting our awesome races again this year and bounce back from this pandemic.

We can’t wait to see you in Paso Robles. Until then… stay safe, stay strong, and keep running.

Terry, Jenny, Ryan, and the New Global Adventures Team

September 30, 2020

Race Postponed To 2021


Hello Participants, Volunteers, and Friends,

We were very hopeful the COVID-19 pandemic would have run its course by now. Things were looking promising as last week the Fresno County levels dropped from Widespread (purple) to Sever (red) which is trending down. We were able to get a second review by Reedley College for hosting the event, half of which takes place on their agriculture farms.

Unfortunately, with a heavy heart, we have to announce that we did not get approved to host on October 31st. As this is our smallest event we were hopeful that combined lower severity and implementing CDC guidelines for public events and our detailed planning that we would be able to host, but officially we can not and are forced to postpone the 3rd annual Silver Moon Race in Reedley, CA to April 24-25, 2021. This weekend falls closest to the full moon in April and would have been the expected date for the 4th annual of the Reedley race. We are deeply saddened as we had lots of fun preparations planned for the race, but we also want to ensure everyone's safety and support ending this pandemic as quickly as possible.

What happens to registered participants? Everyone's entry will be rolled into the new race date in 2021 automatically. Pre-race emails will go out as we get closer to the new date.

If you are not able to make the new date, you do have the following options:

  • Change your entry to a virtual runner. Simply run your chosen category wherever you are and receive your medal and swag in the mail.
  • Defer to 2022.
  • Receive 50% credit towards any future event of ours in California within the next 2-years.
  • Donate entry to help support us.

For any inquiries or change request please email us directly or submit a request through our contact page.

A Halloween full moon run would have been perfect, but our hands are tied and we look forward to seeing everyone for an incredible full moon race in April.

Thank you for your support and understanding in these extremely challenging times.  Stay safe, stay strong, and keep running.

Terry, Jenny, Ryan, and the New Global Adventures Team


See previous COVID-19 updates below.

June 5, 2020

New Global Adventures COVID-19 Planning & Updates: read here

MARCH 18, 2020


2020 Silver Moon Race
postponed to October 31-November 1, 2020

Hello Silver Moon Race Participants, Volunteers, and Friends,

This is the announcement we were hoping that would never have to publish. Yet here we are going through a global COVID-19 pandemic together, like a bad dream, this is unknown territory that is playing with our health and the health of our loved ones.

In light of rapidly developing coronavirus situation and the announcement from Governor Nowsom, CDC, and Government mandate to stop all public gatherings and for everyone to stay home. We do not believe in canceling a race if there is a reasonable and safe alternative option. After careful review and consideration, we have decided to postpone the 2020 Silver Moon Race from the April 11-12 date to October 31-November 1, 2020.

Two factors in choosing a new date included the seasonal weather in Reedley and the timing of the full moon. The Summer months in Reedley, California can often be very hot with high humidity making it very challenging to run a long endurance race, however, by late October the weather is similar to April with the days in the low to mid-70s and the nights in the low-50s, perfect for running.

The other silver lining with this change is that we always want to time the race with a full moon, this year in April the full moon fell on Wednesday, so the race weekend would have had a waning gibbous moon, not quite the perfect full moon experience we want to create. Now, the full moon starts on October 31st and it rises at 6:20 PM, just after the race start, so we'll be getting a true full moon experience with bright moonlight all night long for the race. Top that with Halloween and you've got the perfect Silver Moon Race experience. We will be sure to have some fun Halloween festivities for everyone including the kids that come to support their parents running the race.

This was not an easy decision to make. Yet, we can't be foolish or stubborn when it comes to people's lives, with hundreds of people that are a part of our events, the welfare of participants including runners, volunteers, vendors, family, and crew is always a priority at our events. We feel this decision is the best option at this time while still allowing the 3rd annual Silver Moon Race to live on in 2020 and bring you that awesome race experience that everyone loves.

If you are not able to make the new date, you do have the option to change your entry to a virtual runner. To request a change or for questions please contact us at run@silvermoonrace.com.

This pandemic situation is incredibly challenging for us as this is our livelihood and how we take care of our family, we work tirelessly to bring the community the best race events we can. These events would not be possible without you and everyone involved, we want everyone to be smart in this global health crisis, let's do our part to stop this virus in its tracks, then we can all get back together and enjoy awesome running experiences.


New Global Adventures would not have made it over the last 5-years without the tremendous amount of people in the community that has been supporting us and our events by being a participant or volunteering year after year. Your success at our races has been our success and we cannot overstate our appreciation for all the love and understanding we have received. We love our races as much as you love to be a part of them, we are in this for the long haul and plan to create awesome race experiences in the community for many years to come. We hope that everyone will follow the recommended safety guidelines, stay safe, stay home, and be healthy so you can come run with us soon.

Thank you for your support and understanding,

Terry, Jenny, Ryan, and the New Global Adventures Team